Click here to order “On Things Above” on Amazon
On Things Above is an amazing book: it will help every believer go
deeper with Jesus through intimacy with His Spirit. This book gives
solidly biblical and spiritually practical principles for going deeper in
the ongoing revelation that the Good Shepherd wants to give each of
us, His sheep (John 10:27-28). If you long for more of Him and more
of heaven’s outpouring in your life, read this book and put into practice
the activation exercises. I can’t get enough of this myself in my own
prayer and worship times with the Lord. It has helped me hear so much
more from the Lord. I am amazed at how helpful this book is.
Gary S. Greig, Ph.D.
Adjunct professor, United Theological Seminary / Global Awakening
Ministries; Senior Editor for Bible and Theology,
Gospel Light Publications and Regal Books.