“The Dreams We Dream Part 2”
This seminar is available by donation. Please add yourself to the facebook group to watch the previously recorded videos:
Also please note you cannot enter the group without answering the group membership questions.
In part one of the Dreams We Dream series we discovered who dreams: Everyone! As well as how to remember your dreams, why God loves symbolic language, and learning to live in journey and wonder.
In part 2 we want to take this a step farther: As we begin the journey of recording our dreams what should we expect to happen? What should we be aware of? How do we begin to make sense of the dreams we dream?
We shall begin by learning to be aware of the various types of dreams and what makes them distinct from each other (for example an impartation dream is different from a prophetic dream is different then a counseling dream is different from a warfare or defilement dream)
We will learn how to connect a dream to life – often when God gives a dream He is talking to us in regards to something in our heart – to make that connection to our heart enables conversation with the Father and creates in us the ability to accept what He wants to impart for that given life situation.
Progress report dreams also always occur as we walk with the Lord — as we change so does our dream content — as Jesus updates our journey with Him and points out our inner growth. We will want to stop and talk about these important dreams and why they mean so much to Jesus.
Finally I think we will begin a new technique (if we get that far) how to treat the dream as a meeting place with Jesus and make it all one big conversation!
Murray Dueck
You will need to complete (or be working on) The Dreams We Dream Part One before taking this class. Please add yourself to the Dreams We Dream Part One Facebook Group to do part one:
You will also need to purchase Murray Dueck’s book “The Dreams We Dream”, please follow this link to purchase:
You have been created to live a life of wonder and awe — like the feeling you get when trying to count the stars. This sense of wonder can be encountered as you sleep, when you enter a uniquely crafted world through your dreams, which is personally designed for you by God.
“In writing “The Dreams We Dream,” Murray Dueck brings his many years of Christian leadership, knowledge, and experience within your grasp. This encounter will thrill and inspire you as you savour the depth of his research, and the richness of his insights. He reminds us all that our dreams, and the divine insights they bring, are desperately needed in our over secularized, non-spiritual, materialistic world.”
John Arnott
Catch the Fire, Toronto
This seminar is available by donation. Please add yourself to the facebook group to attend: