It’s an ordinary Sunday morning church service. Suddenly, the atmosphere changes—the presence of God has come!
Are you one of those who can sense or feel such divine moments? If so, then it’s time for you to recognize the special calling God has given you. Some signs of that calling include the ability to:
- sense if God’s presence is release or hindered;
- know how people are feeling;
- sense or feel whether meetings or places are spiritually safe or troubled.
The “Mystery of Spiritual Sensitivity Seminar” will be a great introduction to how we, as spiritually sensitive people manage the list of things above as we function in discernment, burden bearing, warfare, deal with defilement—and most of all how to bring the manifest presence of God into the midst of it all while experiencing God’s promise of rest.
5 weeks with Murray Dueck
Location: Private Facebook Group
(you will be added upon completion of payment)
Each Class is divided up into units, with notes you can download.
Become a partner & it’s FREE
For more information call 778-240-2921
Or email